Friday, July 28, 2006

July 28 - Gaining Some Perspective

I never thought I’d be able to understand why Robin was always so conscious of the HIV or why she always makes it such a big deal. Now I think I do. Even though I haven’t gotten any test results, I know I could be part of that less than 1% that gets the virus and the thought of passing it to anyone is unthinkable. I can understand why Robin chose not to be a surgeon.

Robin has got to be one the strongest people I know, if not the strongest. Today, she relived her experience to give me some idea of what I have to look forward to for the next six months. She told me about the reaction to the anti-retrovirals and the emotions I’ll go through. I still don’t know what to feel. Robin says I’m in shock. I guess that’s what it is.

I don’t even really know if I have a right to feel this way. I mean Robin has lived with the virus for 10 years and she’s like a rock. Robin didn’t have the same options I do. She was just a kid. I don’t even know if I have it and I’m barely holding it together. I’m using everything I can as a distraction from this, even Liz and her issues with Lucky. The one thing I do know is that I have Robin . . . she’ll be there for me no matter what.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Robin said, sometimes horrible things happen to the best of us, but sometimes they don't. Hold on to the hope she mentioned, but don't try to handle this alone. We were never meant to handle life by ourselves and you have Robin to help you. You're not alone, don't act like it.

7/28/2006 10:22 PM  

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