Wednesday, August 02, 2006

August 2 – The Results Are In

I never thought I’d see the day I couldn’t tempt a woman into flirting with me or arguing with me. Today is that day. I mean I’m brilliant; I’m good-looking; I’m one of the best neurosurgeons in the country, but . . . I’ve been exposed to HIV. That trumps all my great qualities and accomplishments. I guess the General Hospital rumor mill is much more efficient than I gave it credit for.

Dad caught the tail end of the attempt at flirting and gave me an earful on flirting with other women in front of Robin. He compared me to himself, as if, he could compare when it comes to women. Anyway, Robin tried to stop him, but he accused her of defending me and wouldn’t hear any of it. After I left, Robin filled him in on what happened in the OR and later he and I talked. He even gave me a recipe for a cocktail to help with the nausea from the P.E.P protocol. I have a new respect for Robin, this nausea is . . . bad. Dad’s cocktail actually worked, I might even share it with Robin. Maybe all those years Dad was drinking are finally coming in handy. Good thing he got that liver transplant earlier or we’d both be in a fix, he’d be dead and I’d probably just wish that I was.

I checked in on April and her attitude matches what Robin says about my bedside manner. They both must be lousy. However, Robin struck again. She told April what happened in the OR and must have left some kind of impression. When I went back to check on April, she was empathetic. She felt the need to tell me how she was infected and maybe it made her feel better. I hope so. She got caught up in a very unfortunate situation, trying to save someone who might not have wanted to be saved. We’re going to do everything in our power to help her, but I’m not sure it’ll be enough. At this point, it’ll be about keeping her as comfortable as possible and trying to protect her from any opportunistic diseases.

By the way, I got back my first test results back and they were negative. I’m relieved, but this is just the first hurdle. Now the real wait begins. Six months until I know whether I’ve contracted HIV, Hep B or C. I have a feeling these will be the longest of my life.


Blogger Ricksangel1968 said...

A long road indeed my sweet...But we'll be with you every step of the way. And I just want to say your dad loves you he just doesnt want to see you make the same mistakes he's made. You could probably take a few notes from dear old dad. He's been around the block a few times.

8/02/2006 11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh patrick,

u better watch urself, ur getting awfully close to sounding like a caring human being that happens to be a doctor.

cut ur dad some slack, he's the only one u have.

i am counting on you to come out on the other side of this a better man...don't let me down.

8/03/2006 1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes this will be a long 6 months but you have your dad and Robin to help you through it. Robin knows what you are going through so when she talks to you...Listen. You can tell her things only she would understand. You have questions...Ask. Just need someone to talk to...Talk. It is not good to just live thinking nothing is wrong. Cut your Dad some slack. You are his son. No matter what is between you two he does not care. He just wants you to be OK.

8/03/2006 8:46 AM  

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