Saturday, November 25, 2006

November 23 – Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving didn’t exactly turn out the way I planned. Dad was at the clinic and I had to work, but I was invited to spend Thanksgiving dinner with Robin’s family. That could have been a big deal had it actually happened.

Instead, we had a medical emergency that kept both Robin and I at the hospital. That is after I got a call to check on Laura Spencer, who it appears is relapsing back into psycho-motor dissociation. After the wedding the other day, we really hoped she’d have more time with her family. It’s sad that that isn’t going to happen. I understand better now why Robin was so adamant about giving Laura the LS49. Laura Spencer is an amazing woman of strength and dignity – she deserved this time with her family even it was only temporary.

I’m not sure that Robin sees it that way though. When I told her what was happening to Laura, she was pretty upset. Lately, she’s been pretty hard on herself for having pushed the treatment when Nikolas, Lucky and Lulu are suffering, but I believe that while they may be sad to lose their mother again, they’re grateful for the time they had together. I know I’m grateful for the time I have with my father and for Robin. This year has had plenty of twists and turns, but in many ways, it’s been better than I ever hoped.


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