Thursday, November 30, 2006

November 29 - Not Quitting

The last week has been rough – Laura Spencer going back into her catatonic state, the incident in the OR with Mr. Whitney and the anniversary of Stone’s death. All of that would affect anyone, but Robin is taking it really hard that she allowed the Spencer family to have “false hope”, as she puts it. Robin’s tenacity is the reason Laura had additional time with her family and while her family is grieving the loss right now, I know they appreciate the time they had with Laura. I know that because I would give almost anything to have even an hour with my mother.

The Whitney procedure didn’t help Robin’s outlook. It was supposed to be his turning point and we almost lost him on the table, but we didn’t. Somehow as a result, Robin believes that she’s a failure, when she’s anything but. Her research and brilliance is what got Mr. Whitney to the point where he could get through a surgery. It’s because of her that he’s alive. Robin’s biggest problem is that she gets close to her patients. It’s also one of the things that make her an exceptional doctor. Robin, Ms. “Optimism”, has hit a wall and she’s going through this crisis of faith. But I guess the OR incident plus the anniversary of Stone’s death would have an adverse affect.

Stone. Robin’s first love died young and that is imprinted in her mind and heart. I would never try to take that love away from her and I know she loves me, but it still feels like a competition. Maybe, it’s just my competitive nature, but Stone’s memory has been perfected in Robin’s mind. It’s what we do when we loss the people we love – we remember the good and put it in a box. I don’t know if Stone had lived whether he and Robin would still be together. I’d like to think that she would have still become the brilliant doctor that walked into my OR a year ago and turned my world on its axis. Either way we’re together now and I’m not quitting on her or letting her quit without a fight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick, Robin's just having a really hard time. And although yes she loves Stone, she loves you, and like she told you, when she loves someone she loves them completely. Please stick by her on this. She has been by your side every second that you needed someone. Please do the same for her and keep in mind that she never told you how you should be feeling.

11/30/2006 8:17 AM  

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