Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 7 – Survivor’s Guilt

Dad really got his today. He comes up to the nurse’s station to give me a hard time for scaring one of his patients out of surgery with the truth. Little did he know, the real culprit was someone he’s never met - the Dark and Deconstructive Dr. Robin Scorpio. Robin’s taken on a fatalistic view and she has tunnel vision. It’s shadowing her treatment of patients and her life. She’s telling every patient the truth, but not with any compassion or her innate sense of optimism. Dad told her as well or better than I could that she’s selling herself, her patients and her talent short. The pessimism and negativity are eating her alive and she can’t see it.

Obviously, her lecture from Dad didn’t do much good, because the next time I saw her she was giving Alexis her eulogy. Robin, after reviewing Alexis’ chart, stated every negative fact that could be stated, but she left out that with cancer, attitude is everything. Alexis is brave and tenacious and has a positive attitude and she’ll need that in order to recover. Robin knows that, but she’s so busy drowning in her own misery that she can’t give anyone the hope they need to fight.

Robin has a classic case of survivor’s guilt. She feels guilty that she’s able to live when Laura’s stuck inside her own mind. She feels guilty that Stone died when she lived. The cocktail worked for her and not for Stone. She’s lived 10 years with the drugs and Stone died young. After her relationship with Jason ended, she went to Paris and buried herself in her work, ignoring the beauty that is Paris and refusing to live. Now she’s back in Port Charles and has fallen in love with me. This has been coming ever since she admitted that she loved me. This meltdown only needed a catalyst and Laura Spencer was it. I need Robin to realize what she’s doing to herself and everyone around her. I’m worried about her and I don’t know how to help her.


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