Monday, May 21, 2007

May 21 – In Need of Therapy

We do need therapy. My father was right. Not like I’d ever tell him that.

How did we get here? Robin used to be the one wanting a firm commitment and now after just a few months, I’ve taken over the role. I know she’s been through a lot over the past few months. What with recovering from a gunshot wound and a hostage situation to being blackmailed to lie to me about her and Nikolas and being forced to keep the secret about Craig, she’s been on a rollercoaster. But then, so had he.

Now we’ve found the cure for Nikolas and we’re back together. But she still doesn’t want to move in with me. Or rather she’s afraid to move in with me. She says we’re totally incompatible. She’s wrong. She’s my best friend. We can handle anything as long as we’re together. I just have to find a way to make her see that.


Blogger drakeandscorpio1 said...

I tend to agree about the therapy. But I think Robin needs it more.
She is so resistant and she refuses to address her real issues.

If you two were so incompatable then you wouldn't be best friends and you would have never falen in love. It's just ridiculous for her to keep saying that.
After all you two have been through..she needs to stop running from her fears.

5/21/2007 11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you're expressing yourself again...
both of you need to talk with a third party....
she has so many old issues that need to be cleared up..and it would be better together.

5/21/2007 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good to see you expressing yourself so openly. Robin still has a lot of fears. Remember those who should love her the most leave her. She may need therapy but how about asking her to marry you. Make that great commitment, Patrick

5/22/2007 8:32 AM  

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