Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 22 – Big Questions

Okay, now it’s official. My girlfriend is neurotic.

I’m learning that I know very little about relationships. All I know is that I love Robin and can’t imagine not having her be part of my life. I found Robin at the hospital where I knew she’d be. Whenever she’s scared, she throws herself into work. Then, I did the only logical thing. I asked her to move in with me. She said, “No”.

Supposedly, I’m afraid of commitment and I’m only doing this to make her happy. Forget the fact that I want to wake up to her in the morning and go to bed next to her every night. Forget the fact that I want to share meals and furniture. I knew she was scared, but I gave her the key to use or not at her will. She did. We rearranged furniture. We christened the couch and she . . . changed her mind. So, yes, Robin is a little neurotic, but I wouldn’t change a thing.


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